Tuesday, September 4, 2007

PATRIOT GAMES: Labor Unity Executive Elections // Faction Fun For All The Family

This evening, the conclusion of the thrilling and enthralling Victorian ALP Labor Unity faction executive elections will occur. For the first time, executive members will be directly chosen by State Conference delegates so provide an accurate gauge of who has a certain level of support from branches and unions.

Usually, the LU executive has been more honoured in being ignored than complied with, elected by a voting system easily subjected to manipulation but the new voting system has led the big names of the group putting themselves forward this time with many working very hard to get elected so the results will be interesting.

Here are the results, many will interpret the tea leaves about them, we won't. All patriots.

■ Dr Henry Pinskier
■ Robin Scott MLA
■ Bill Shorten
■ Jeff Jackson
■ Adem Somyurek MLC
■ Cesar Melham
■ Nazih Elasmar MLC
■ Theo Theophanous MLC
■ Senator Steve Conroy
■ Robert Larocca
■ Wayne Nader
■ Fiona Richardson MLA
■ Soon-to-be Senator Jacinta Collins
■ Ian Blandthorn
■ Michael Donovan

Game on.